Chickens Wear Sunglasses: One Shady Peace

We’ve all heard about weird accessories for both humans and animals, but chickens wearing sunglasses? Isn’t that a bit over the top? Apparently, the concept, which is not at all new by the way, is not as far-fetched as one might ordinarily think. Farmers in China have fond that aggressive cocks behave in a less aggressive manner when sporting these cool shades like the ones depicted below.

These glasses were designed to help avoid fights breaking out between rival roosters at the free-range farm in Chengdu, southwestern China.

“Our cocks are very aggressive by nature… They always fight with each other and cause bleeding and injuries. So we decided to make them all wear glasses. …This means they can’t see each other so clearly so they are much quieter and much more peaceful” said breeder, Jiang Hau.

Other local farmers are considering this unusual option as well but the concept of sunglasses for roosters dates back to 1939. Called antipix, these glasses fit on the chicken’s beak with a cotter pin through the bird’s nostrils. These red lenses prevented chickens from seeing the red blood and calmed their behavior. These have not been manufactured for many years and are highly collectable